Friday, April 30, 2010

A slightly sappy reflection

Today, I have finished up my junior year of college. That's just so weird. Besides the obvious "where did the time go" thoughts, I'm overwhelmed with all that this year has been. Maybe I'm just overly emotional and sappy because I only slept for an hour and a half last night. Or maybe I'm just so thankful for God's grace and faithfulness over the past school year. We'll go with that option.

I love to write, but today I feel like highlighting the year in a list of what God has done this year. It seems bittersweet to be wrapping up such a good year, but I'm so hopeful about what is to come.

So, here's what God's done in my junior year:

-Placed me in an RA position, on 3rd floor Tuckey, with amazing girls
-Allowed me to sing with Voices of Triumph
-Given me a beautiful and edifying RA team (Karleen, Jo, Kendra, Allison, Rachel and Julie...I love you dearly. You have been huge reflections of God's love and grace this year. Thank you.)
-Drawn me to himself through great unknowns
-Challenged me to trust him without reassurances
-Taught me to seek his face, no matter the circumstance
-Circumstance: not a real word, not an excuse...circumstances are just opportunties
-Helped me find joy in the little things (Still, I've struggled to be content with each day and not get overwhelmed. He is currently teaching me to love the ordinary of life.)
-Provided me with girls who have helped carry me this year. (Karen, Laura, Lyndsey - you three are my rocks. Thanks for loving me so well and for sharing in all that God is doing with us.)
-Brought Ben and Jen back to us! (I have loved this year of learning and growing with my family. Ben and Jen have taught me so much about trust and vulnerability. I'm so glad I get to be close to them again.)
-Ireland Joy Bayer! This little lady came in September and has since been this beautiful, funny, little addition to our family. I love this girl!
-With Ireland, God brought more time with Emily and opportunities to share together. I will never take for granted the friendship and depth I have with Em.
-Brought Dad and Mom here! And today, we found out that the house sold! Praise God! Easter Sunday was Dad's first day at County Line Brethren and our family spent the day together in our new home. Man, I love this.
-Surprised me with Reed Lyons. I don't want to say this was the biggest surprise of the year because that makes me sound kind of shallow. But truly, this gift of Reed has been knock-me-off-my-feet-and-show-me-a-new-kind-of-joy good. Since December, I have learned so much about this guy and I'm never disappointed. I love you, Reed, and I will never get sick of that dizzy feeling you give me. You love me beautifully. And you are so my favorite.
-Taken me back to his rest (I found myself forgetting every lesson of resting in God's grace...and I disliked what my heart was doing. This tattoo reminds me to sit before God with total trust. Thank you, Jesus, for bringing me back to that. I love you more today than I can express. I feel very inadequate in expressing my thanks. You are good and just and strong. Thank you for always pointing my eyes to you and your Truth. I trust and rest in you today.)

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