So, today is Thanksgiving. I woke up, sat around the table with my family, and talked to Ben and Jen in South Korea! Good morning. Then, since I am the only other female besides my mom this year, I helped out in the kitchen all morning. I was doing so well! I have been feeling so hopeful and confident in my cooking skills! A few dishes had been made, pies were in the oven, and I moved on to the sweet potatoes. Oh no....
After getting the whole thing put together, making the yummy, crumbly topping, my mom came over and tasted it. "Oh no," she said. "Something's wrong. What do I taste?" Guess what your pal Jess did? She put salt instead of sugar into the sweet pototoe casserole and the topping. Wow.
For a long time, I've said I can't cook. Part of me has simply not tried, but today was a good day! I tried, I did well, I screwed up a very essential dish, and I learned a lot. :) So, thanks! It's been a good morning. And I'm just laughing at myself for how awesome my salt and sugar mixup was. I'm going to have a very interesting first year of marriage, I can already tell.
Today, though, I am very thankful. I love having my parents and brother here. The past few days have been so good! Plus, David has decided on Bethel as his college and I'm so excited! I also have thoroughly enjoyed the presence of my friends these past couple days. I love them so entirely much! Last night, two of my best friends came over to play games, hang out, and just spend time with me and my family. They are incredible friends, ones I am daily thanking Jesus for. Combining their love with my family's is like watching a Christian Bale movie with an entirely Sondre Lerche inspired soundtrack-it can't get much better. I want more days like yesterday. Rest was so present. :)
I hope you all are enjoying this day and this break. Rest. Enjoy. Just Be. And thank him for who he is. :) Love you all!
Sister...Jen did the same Emily's, the containers for the salt and sugar are right next to each other...can be a little should have known better. great talking to you...later
Your little kitchen mishap brought a smile to my face. I love you my dear friend. You are precious. And hurray David for coming to Bethel! Woot! Can't wait to see you soon. Love.
Don't worry too much about the kitchen mix up. I once left out 80% of the flour in a batch of cookies. They came out as very dense, very crunchy, intensely buttery sheet that had to be scraped off of the pan. It was both a dentist's and a dishwasher's worst nightmare.
And I really like that analogy there at the end.
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