Philippians 4:4-9 (Amazing)
Your peace will guard my heart and mind; it goes beyond anything I can understand.
Lead me on and I will run after you.
(An untitled poem)
Hold my hand
Grab it in yours and lead me
Take me through the woods
Through the trees
The falling leaves
Through the darkness
Apart from you
I stumble
I run aimlessly
Through trees
Through the falling leaves
Through the darkness
I long to follow
I trip
I get lost
You hold my hand
Even in my weakness
You intertwine my fingers in yours
Squeeze tightly
Warmth fills my body
I had to reach for that hand, though
You offered-
I grabbed, accepted
Pursuing your hand
Your heart
I want to know
And follow hard after you
Forgive my wandering heart
My hand that seeks another
In my self-love
I have become lost
Become greater
Make me less
Hold my hand, dear Jesus
My Romancer
And Pursuer
I will follow
I want
to want
to follow
And run after you
Jessica Smith!
What a fantastic writer you are! Thank you for sharing this bit of your beautiful heart.
Whenever we open our refrigerator at our school, we think...bepreparedtobesurprised.
Miss you...love you.
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