Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm very thankful for two things tonight: coffee and conversation. My week has been good, but also kind of tough with Reed leaving on Monday. Honestly, I've had a hard time not getting down when I look at this next year. It seems so overwhelming and daunting. The cool thing? God's grace. He's been so good to show me all that I have and all that he's been faithful in. I'll miss Reed all year, but I have so much to be excited about.

Anyway, back to the coffee and talking thing. Today was spent in Mishawaka, and there was a lot of good conversation that happened. First, I was greatly encouraged by a meeting with my advisor and professor, Beth McLaughlin. In the afternoon, I spent some time with my sister, Emily, and my niece, Ireland. I always love time with Em because she just knows me so well and our time is so natural together. Finally, I finished off the day with coffee and hangout time with my friend, Hannah. It sounds simple, but that little chunk of time with her was so refreshing and uplifting. Two of my favorite things - coffee and friends - in one of my favorite places - Barnes and Noble.

I know I'm a communication person, so of course I should love the art of conversation. But it feels different to me. I think I could be content, no overjoyed, with a job that allowed me to frequently enjoy times of coffee meetings. Please, Jesus, let me be able to use that. :)

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