Saturday, January 24, 2009

Human-Jon McLaughlin

Gotta love piano-driven pop tunes! This song is very enjoyable, and the words hold a lot of truth. The line "we're only human, always fighting what we're feeling" is on repeat in my head right now. To be honest, it is a little annoying. Of course I am human. I don't need that reminder tonight. At the same time, I realize we are more than that. I guess I can sympathize with the fact that we are errant, imperfect beings, but I don't know if it should be an excuse. I wouldn't even go so far as to say that's what Jon McLaughlin is saying here. It just brought these thoughts to my attention. I think I often brush off my angry, bitter thoughts or unloving behavior as simply human. There is some truth to this, but as a follower of Jesus, there should be more to me now. I want to pursue him in a way that feels his pain, sees with his eyes, hears what he hears, and loves like he loves. If anything, God purposefully made us imperfect so that he would be glorified in our failings. I love knowing that the Fall wasn't an "oops". God has been thinking about and working with our human nature from the beginning. So, yes, I'm human. I mess up, I hurt the Jesus I claim to be madly in love with, and he opens his arms every time. But I am also a being that wants to please God and not let my human imperfections hinder me from completely loving him. Man, that's hard. I feel like I'm falling short of that desire lately. God, help me. 

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