Today, I am so aware of God's goodness. He is enough for me-MORE than enough. I don't deserve this overwhelming grace he gives me, yet I love seeing it first hand. So, as I look back at this semester I would like to point out ways that God has revealed himself to me. Thank you, Jesus. And I look forward to another semester of walking with you!
*Friendships-this year has been one of deep, filling relationships. I can't thank my friends enough for their patience, encouragement, challenging words, and overall directing towards Jesus. You, my friends, give me great joy!
*Work-my job search was long and frustrating, but has turned out very well. I'm still settling in, but the whole thing shouts God's plan. I'm excited to see where God takes this.
*My passions-the whole area of writing and creating has been interesting this year. As a communication major, I've been involved with lots of publication, writing papers, and researching. The amazing part of this is, I love it! I feel so productive, so purposeful. God has simply reassured me that this is where he wants me. And plus, my passion for speaking has been renewed! Part of me can't wait to see what happens next, but I'm also content to wait for what God has right now.
*Questions-this is very vague, but only because it seems that there have been so many this past semester. At some point, these questions turned into great doubt in my Father, and there was a rough patch in our relationship. Still, God brought my focus back to him and his Truth. I know who pursues me, who gives me rest, and questions I have are offered directly to him. He's taught me to be content, yet to intensely pursue his will in every bit of my life.
*My family-for anyone who knows me well, you know this semester has been emotional and challenging for my family. Things have been far less than perfect, but I love seeing the growth in all of us. The presence of peace and hope is undeniable within our family. Walls have been broken down, hearts have been challenged by the Spirit, and we have drawn closer together within all this uncertainty.
*My value in Christ-this is something I have been hearing for years, yet haven't completely understood until this year. I feel like I could write and talk about this for hours, yet I'm ironically lost for words right now. I'm tired yes, but I'm also so struck by the Truth of God. Who he is, how he loves me, how he teaches me to love others, how he never changes...there is so much to this complex, yet relational God of ours.
Here is something I read this summer that has recently come back to me. It's from Donald Miller's book Through Painted Deserts, and I have made these words my own.
Who he is, is good. Even if I want to run, it isn't really what I want. What I want is Him, even if I don't believe it. If he made all this existence, you would think he would know what he is doing, and you would think He could be trusted. Everything I want is just him, to get lost in him, to feel his love and more and more of his dazzling that he does.
I'm thankful for challenges, for times of rejoicing, and everything in between. Good night. :) OOh, and Merry Christmas-we're getting closer!
1 comment:
Your posts make me smile, and watching and reading you grow in your faith strengthens me and helps me focus.
I hope I get to hang out with you this break, but I'd much prefer to not go to Pontiac if you don't mind ;)
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