Sunday, August 8, 2010


Today's Happenings:

*Went to church with Dad, Mom and David
*Came home after church and watched YouTube videos...thank you, Reed
*Went to lunch with family and talked about the Church (big C)
*Drove to Bethel to visit Laura, Rob, Rusty and other KBM fam
*Made a visit to Barnes and Noble to do an errand for Laura and spent some time there reading/journaling (B&N may be my favorite spot)
*Returned to Bethel and spent time with KBM folks
*Got crazy blessed and encouraged by three people who love Jesus and love me so well
*Talked to Reed as I drove home
*Had playtime and dinner with my parents, David, Paco, Emily and Ireland
*Chased Ireland through hallway and my room
*Enjoyed coffee and conversation (as you know, my favorite things) with the family in the living room
*Watched Ireland and our new puppy, Barnabas, interact
*Practiced my modeling skills (or simply good posture technique) as I walked through the house with a book on my head

In the last 24 hours, I've also enjoyed a few other things. Last night I watched Good Will Hunting for the first time, and I loved it. I've heard it was good, but I was caught off guard by how much I liked the movie.

And after watching that movie, I made a list of my current favorite actors/actresses.
-Matt Damon
-Adrian Brody
-Joseph Gordon Levitt
-Marion Cotillard
-Carey Mulligan

It's been a good day. God surprised me with great joy and peace and encouragement. That's so like him. :) What a good God.

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